To share a secret, simply go to the homepage, enter your secret in the provided form, and submit it. You will be given a unique link to share with others.
Your secret is encrypted before it is stored in the database. Only the person with the unique link can decrypt and view the secret, not even the server admin can view it.
Secrets are automatically deleted after they are viewed once or stored in the database for longer than 7 days. If you need to delete a secret before it is viewed, you can do so by opening your secret sharing link yourself.
If you lose the link to your secret, there is no way to retrieve it. The secret is encrypted and can only be accessed with the unique link. The secret will be deleted from the server after 7 days maximum.
No, each secret can only be viewed once. If you need to share the same secret with multiple people, you will need to create a new secret for each person. This is by design :)